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L. L. Bean Bluewing Teal Drake. Very scarce and usually rubbed. This one has only minor soft rubs and one small chip of paint where head meets body. Near Mint. $325
L. L. Bean Feeding, Hissing, Crooked Neck, or whatever geese like this are called in your neck of the woods, Goose. Here is an old L L Bean goose decoy that looks like it has many stories to tell, if only it could tell them. I am talking about the one on the right in the photo. I put a near Mint decoy (on the left in photo) for comparison only. It is has been and will be part of my own collection for the forseen future. Now, back to the one on the right. My best guess is it got loose and lived as a derilict for a long time before someone saved it from a life on the marsh Paint is worn, with serious loss on the head and fading on the body. One eye is missing. But, it still has charm! The long, lean lines George Soule designed for it stand out as a true representation of a contented goose. Resting by itself it steals your eye. I didn’t think I would like it, but I do. It has been around here for a while, but space is not unlimited, so I have decided to send the decoy on the right, along to another loving home–yours if you are quick enough. Paint is only good. Structurally it is perfect, so I will grade it Good+. (the guy I got it from called it “excellent”, so you know not everyone grades as accurately as I do). Love it as is, repaint it and use it, its future is in your hands. (utz) SOLD
Mint L L Bean Mallard Pair. These mallards came to me in the original L L Bean mailing boxes they were shipped from L L Bean in, in 1990. According to the son of the original owner, his dad got them at a banquette, put them back in their original boxes and never opened them again. The son removed them from their boxes to take pictures, which he sent to me and I bought them! I took them out of the boxes to oogle and photograph, and returned them to their boxes. In short, they look exactly like they did when they were mailed from the L L Bean factory in 1990. Both drake and hen are flawless, MINT!
In case you are new to collecting L L Bean decoys, only a tiny, tiny percentage of them retain their original factory mailing boxes. These are that exception and thus among the most collectible of the collectible L L Bean decoys. If you have to think it over, or ask someone if you should buy them, chances are someone else will purchase them before you. I dare you to find a better pair, or even a pair as good as these two, any time soon.
I have only shown one box and one packing slip in the photo, but each decoy has a box and packing slip as well as a little card that gives the history of George Soule’s and L L Bean’s arrangment that made production of the L L Bean Coastal decoys made by George Soule happen.
Price is for Pair of L L Bean mallards with two original mailing boxes and 2 packing slips dated August 29, 1990, and 2 cards describing the origin and history of the L L Bean cork decoys. Decoys are Mint. (eyl-pair) SOLD
L L Bean Light Weight Black Duck. This size was only made for six years, 1953-1958 inclusive. Note carved bill and nostrils. Multi position heads were offered from the beginning. All original paint shows gunning use. Cork chips easily and rattling around in a sack over you back gets jostled pretty good banging off trees or tumbling around on the floor of a canoe. Mercifically the head faired well. Light Weight Models seem to have been made in the smallest quantities of the three size offering L L Bean sold, so any Light Weight is a treasure, ones this old are true gems. Very Good. $155
L L Bean Light Weight Black Duck. This slightly shorter but wider body was only offered in 1963 and 1964. Note different style bill and nostril carving. The lowered tail reduced overall volume thus saving weight. Anyone who packed a dozen or so decoys a couple miles through the woods to a beaver pond or small lake can appreciate each ounce of savings. I really get tired of reading guys claiming their offering is from the 40s or 50s when what they have are the most common Beans offered. In fact there is little or no change to the Bean decoys made from the 1970s to 1990s. This is bona fide 1963 0r 1964 made Light Weight L L Bean decoy. Grades out to the same as the proceeding for the same reasons: Very Good. $145
L L Bean Black Duck. Coastal model. Lightly used showing only light rubs to body and head. Really a nice decoy for collection or hunting. Exc- (zut) SOLD
L L Bean Black Duck. I honestly don’t know exactly what this is. It is a later (after 2000) model, with cork tail, made on Goose sized body blank making it a Deluxe Oversize model. Unused, I removed it from the clear plastic bag it was shipped from Bean wearing. It doesn’t fit in my collection, so I am passing it along to someone else. Mint. $79
I got this pattern from Larry MacLaughlin over 40 years ago. He swore it was Dan English’s Green-winged teal pattern. It looks like it could be. If not it is Larry’s idea of what a Dan English teal would look like. Either way it is a pretty slick pattern and would be fun to use. I have never made a decoy from it. I don’t know if anyone has ever found a Dan English teal decoy. This could be proof there were some made. I have enjoyed it and can still hear Larry saying he got it from Dan. It is time for me to pass it along to someone closer to the source. I know someone bought all the patterns Larry had when he died. This would be a nice addition to that. Or for someone to make some decoys with it, but most of all it should be in a book someday. I think it is that important. Can’t you just imagine a group of teal decoys made from it floating along the Delaware somewhere only you and the teal know? One of One, beyond Rare. $99
L L Bean Scaup (Blue Bill or Broad Bill, take your pick) Drake. To save space, I have not put single decoys on, but this one is so clean I thought I would show it alone. There are very, very light rubs on the head. They are handling rubs. This decoy was never rigged, never used. Can you show me a better one? Very Near Mint. (utz) SOLD
L L Bean Canvasback Drake. This decoy and the drake scaup above have shared most of their lives together, so all the comments above apply to this decoy as well: never rigged, never used, very light head rubs, very clean, and darn close to mint. Any Bean Coastal Canvasback is good, but one in this condition is exceptional, a collector’s dream come true. Will you be that lucky collector? Very Near Mint. (dnl) SOLD
L L Bean Coastal Brant. We all know how difficult it is to find Bean brant that are not beat up from use in rough salt water. When was the last time you saw two Bean brant as nice as these? Lightly used, they are way better than vg, I grade them as Exc-. The one on the left is (ddt) SOLD and the one on the right is (det) SOLD
L L Bean Black Duck. Has been used and shows rubbing along sides and back of decoy. Head has the typical rubs, mostly on crown and back of head. good user or starter for a collection. VG (zlx) SOLD
L L Bean Mint Mallard Drake. Same decoy is shown below in photo with another Mint male mallard. (ztl) SOLD
Wildfowler Hissing or Feeding Goose. Branded. A decoy guy who is very familiar with Wildfowler decoys said this is the best paint he has seen on a Babylon Wildfowler. Balsa. Mint. $350
Wildfowler Drake Canvasback. Branded Point Pleasant, NJ. Also has gunner’s brand R J O S. Used very gently with light rubs on paint and one anchor mark on side of chest. Exc. (ecx) SOLD
I thought a size comparison would be fun to share with you. Below are a pair of Coastal Scaup (bluebills or blackheads to gunners) and a Deluxe Oversize Drake Scaup. I have said Bean used the goose size blocks for their Deluxe Oversize (not “oversized”) decoys. Perhaps this side by side comparison will help to point this out:
L L Bean Scaup Pair. Bright white on male, shows no use, only shelf use. Some rubs on the back of the female and minimal rubs to the flat paint used on the heads. Excellent. Price is for the Pair: $175
L L Bean Deluxe Oversize Scaup Drake. Never used. His head has been jarred in various moves made by his original owner over the years, but other than a slight impact to the filler around base of neck to body, no damage. Near Mint. (dlt) SOLD
L L Bean Mallard Drake. I assembled these decoys for the photos. It is the first time they have been out of the plastic bags Bean workers put them in for shipping to the man I bought them from. He bought them in 1981. I have the original receipt for them as well. They have hand painted bills. I bought 4. I will sell two. Vibrant colors! I can’t see how there can be any that are better anywhere. If you want the very best for you collection, here they are. Both are Mint. (ztl) BOTH ARE SOLD
L L Bean Goldeneye Pair. A strikingly pretty pair, especially the drake. Both are dated 1979 on the bottom. Keels have been removed, otherwise Mint. Priced accordingly $120 for the pair. L L Bean Goldeneye Pair. A strikingly pretty pair, especially the drake. Both are dated 1979 on the bottom. Keels have been removed, otherwise Mint. Priced accordingly for the pair. (ddt) SOLD
Front to Back: L L Bean Canada Goose. Hissing neck, crooked neck, depending on where you are from. These are elegant. This one has partial in use re-paint. As such it is Exc. (dxx) SOLD
L L Bean Canada Goose. Hissing neck, crooked neck, depending on where you are from, these are elegant. This one is pristine, perfect, Mint. (dlx) SOLD
L L Bean Canada Goose. Upright head. Handling marks, maybe light use, all original paint. Exc. (del) SOLD
L L Bean Canada Goose. Upright head. This is a relic from the 1950s! Note the head. It is a pattern I have not seen. It must have been made by someone new at the Decoy Shop. The carving around the bill is rough, sanding of neck into base is not as good as usual. I am certain it is original to the decoy. Compare the tail to the tails of the other decoys in this picture. It is longer and wider, what is referred to as a “beaver tail”. When George Soule started making tail inserts they were longer and wider than later ones. I still have not nailed down when the tail insert began, but I do know they were being used as early as 1955. If you compare the body size of this decoy with the newer ones in the photo, you will see it is slightly larger. To date I have not been able to determine what years they changed sizes, but I have 4 geese in my collection that are larger than this one. Any how, this is a prize for the Coastal Bean decoy collector, so consider it carefully. Very Good and all original 1950s. $195
L L Bean Brant. Early, still show the shoe glue used to waterproof the cork, 1960s or before. White and black areas have benn repainted. Structually perfect. Back and sides are original paint. (ol) SOLD
L L Bean Brant. Early, still show the shoe glue used to waterproof the cork, 1960s or before. White and black areas have benn repainted. Structually perfect. Back and sides are original paint with wear to the sides exposing the shoe glue giving us a really good look at it. (ol) SOLD
L L Bean Brant. All original, Exc-Mint.(dxx) SOLD
L L Bean Lamp with Wood Duck on it. Branded on the bottom of the lamp base is The Decoy Shop logo decoy, “the decoy shop, Freeport, Maine” then a line and under it “H Heap III 1981” in script. I am sure you know Hargy Heap bought the Decoy Shop from George Soule about 1975-6. So, I present to you an all original L L Bean Wood Duck Lamp in exc condition with pedigree branded on base. My guess is, Bean sold many lamps with mallards on them for each one with a woodie. (del) SOLD
Carry-Lite Advertisement Sheet, info on both sides. Measures approx. 8.5 inches by 11 inches. Full color on both sides. Pre- zip codes, so before 1960. The wrinkles should press out. This is the first I have seen the miniatures in their ads. Carry-Lite actually did make them. Colors are strong, as printed I assume. (dc) SOLD
L L Bean Mallard Pair. MINT! Brilliant colors. You would be hard pressed to find a better pair anywhere. Complete with original L L Bean hang tag with an $18.00 price on both the mallard and the hen. Cross checking that price with the catalogs I have incicates they were made (at least sold) in 1980. Looks like the original zinc screw and washer got lost in during the last 37 years, but there is a screw and washer on each holding the heads on securely. Photo of hang tag on request. MINT 1980 pair L L Bean mallards for only (dtl) SOLD
L L Bean Mallard Pair, early. Compare the paint detail on these with the later pair above. Compare the difference in the head patterns used to make them. Can you make any conclusions from these differences? I date these to about 1965. Very Good+ (enl) SOLD
L L Bean Black Ducks. Study them for a while. The one on the right is much nicer to my eye, yet both came from the same factory at roughly the same time, 1960s. Why are they so different? Different makers? Why are the paint patterns so different? If anyone out there has a theory or knows the answers, please contact me: 740-698-5060. Decoy on the left is (znx). Decoy on the right is (ulz). BOTH SOLD
Dale Dalrymple Wood Duck Drake. I started this pattern 2 years ago, from the last woodies I harvested. Every time I thought it was ready, I would see something I didn’t like and alter it, over and over. Well, this decoy and I have plans for this season, if there are acorns falling in a certain pond in October… After that you could buy this one or order another anytime. $250
Carry-Lite Mallard Drake. A blooper for sure, keep reading. Photos show both sides of this never in the water decoy. The little ouch to his noggin is all he can complain about in over a half century of sitting around. The guy who painted the whites must not have been working the day this decoy went thru the paint shop. No neck stripe and no white in tail. No blue and white speculum. It was a blooper when it got pscked for shipment. As such, it adds interest to a collection where all the other mallards look alike, and begs questions about how it left the factory looking like this. Bright colors. One of a kind. Exc+ $22
Jack Leach Mallard Hen. From his personal gunning rig. Jack was born and raised in New Jersey, but like David Hagerbaumer, became a West Coast resident after the Navy. I first read about him in about 1980 when Decoy Magazine did an article about him. He was in Oregon at the time. A phone call procured one of the goldeneyes pictured in the article. We were both NJ guys, but neither of us from Coastal NJ, yet each had drifted into decoy making. Other phone conversations followed over the years. In one, I remember him saying “I don’t think I will ever learn to paint.” I think he did learn and learn well! I liken Jack to a modern Ben Schmidt. Each made a decoy that really looks like a duck, rather than follow strict local carving styles, making “cute” decoys to sell to a public that neither guns nor bird watches, so they have no clue what a real duck looks like. Take a minute to examine this hen mallard. See the slight sheen to the bill? Just like a real duck bill. Best I have seen. I have tried to do it, but failed. Yes, Jack could paint! And carve, too. Solid body, life size, Mint. Scarce. (etl) SOLD
Jack Leach Canvasback Hen. From his personal gunning rig. This is a magnum sized lady, measuring 16″ bill to tail by 8″ wide and 8 1/2″ tall, not including the keel. She weighs just under half a ton! Luckily a half a dozen would be all you would need of these to attract cans. This is a really spectacular decoy. Study it. Think outside the auction catalogs for a change. By the time a decoy has made the auction catalog, it is overpriced. Try collceting before the auctioneers catch on to a carver, much like buying an artist before he wins the duck stamp contest. (I think back to a beautiful painting one painter had at a show one year. It was oldsquaws flying in a snow sotrm and about 48″ x 30″ for $3000. He won the National duck stamp contest and the following year he had the same painting for $30,000. I knew I should have bought it, but I imported a new Grulla for myself instead. It has only doubled in value, not bad, but…) Act now, or be telling your version of this story when this decoy gets in an auction catalog… Mint with his brand underneath. $350
L. L. Bean Blue-winged Teal Drake. Bean only offered these blue-wings for a few years and they didn’t sell well, so they are SCARCE as hen’s teeth. The spot on the left side of the head is a knot that bled a little bit, but it is as made. Remember, these were made to hunt with, not view critically. This one is as nice as they get. Mint (cxx) SOLD
Dale Dalrymple Harlequin Duck Pair. This is the first pair I have made in over 40 years of carving decoys. I think I have only made 2 or 3 males before this one. Just not much call for them where I have lived. This pair is spoken for, but I would make more for YOU, should you wish to order them. My phone and email are on top and bottom of every page of my website. Price for the pair is $450. Orders taken.
Early L L Bean Lightweight Decoys. Little is known about the fact that when Soule/Bean launched the Coastal line, there were three lines of decoys created using the cork bodies and pine heads: The Lightweight Decoys, the Coastal Decoys and the Deluxe Oversize (not oversized) Decoys. These early Lightweights were almost as large as the Coastal decoys later became. Notice the bill carving on the heads, with even the nostrils indicated. See the cork tails? The early Coastal and Deluxe Oversize also sported them. Back to the heads. Check out the eye grooves. The drake has the gouged depression like the model that preceded these. The head on the hen has a more refined crown-eye groove-cheek transition that evolved into the shape we now know. These are not for sale at this time.
I made this about 1978-1982. Never rigged, it went straitght into a collection. It has never been weighted. It was my version of the old Bordentown, NJ decoys. Exc+ to Mint. (dnl) SOLD
L L Bean Mallard Pair. A really interesting pair because of the amount of detailing of paint. As time went by, efforts were continually made to stream line operations and detailing was one of the things that got lessened. The heads are George Soule all the way. There is shoe glue on the body, meaning 1960s. From the body size, I know these were made after 1966, so 1967-69 is when these were made. They show use, but still retain much of the original paint and all the cork. VG used pair approaching senior citizen status. SOLD (dnx)
Dale Dalrymple Canvasback Pair. I made these about 20 years ago. The original owner said she has enjoyed them all that time, but she has recently closed her office and downsized house size, so she wants someone else to have the opportunity to enjoy them, as she did. Priced at about what they were when made. The pair is unused and Mint except for a dent on the mail’s back, received in shipment to me. SOLD (cxx)
Dale Dalrymple Mallard Drake. This is another of the decoys I am selling for the nice person who housed them for about twenty years. I am always delighted at how the oil paints age over the years. Barnegat Bay style, hollow of course, and slightly oversized. Unused, but with a few paint flecks. Exc+ SOLD (dyl)
Ora Anderson was a local ledgend around here. He died several years ago. His daughter recently brought me some of his decoy collection to sell. He began collecting in the early 1970s, while attending the National Decoy Championships at Babylon, Long Island to see many of his own carvings win. Ora had Schmidt and Guyette appraise his decoys in the late 70s. Information about each decoy and values are what they said back then. These decoys were already vintage when he collected them. Here are some OF THE OLD DECOYS FROM HIS COLLECTION:
Maryland Drake Canvasback. Old, Old Maryland body with newer, in use head. Wide body like Holley or Ben Dye. Head reminds me of a Jessie Urie, but I never was really sharp on Maryland decoys and I have had lots of time to forget the little I knew. If interested, ask for more pics and steal it from me. In the meantime, I don’t mind looking at it. Remember, this decoy’s head was “old” when Ora collected it prior the the mid 1970s, the body being even older. (cel) SOLD
Cork Mallard Hen. I am told this is a top of the line Oscar Quam “Presidential Model”. 1960s. Exc. $89
above photo, rear decoy: Black Duck Decoy. South shore of Massachusettes. Solid body, original paint. (ddl) SOLD
above photo, decoy in front: Black Duck Decoy. Mason challenge grade head on homemade body. Michigan. Body is orignal paint, head repainted. $60

Cork and Wood Mallard Drake. Head swivels 360 degrees, so it can be a preener or sleeper this week ans something else next week if you like. I am pretty sure I have seen similar in Ken Trayer’s book on Factory decoys, but I haven’t found the time to look it up. If you get tired of waiting for me, you can look it yourself as long as you have that best of all factory decoy books, North American Factory Decoys by Ken Trayer. If you don’t have it, I sell it. Give me a call at 740-698-5060.
Mason Mallard. SOLD
Here are three of the more difficult species to find in L L Bean decoys:
Canvasback Drake . Never used. The usual minor head rubs, otherwise Mint. SOLD (znl)
Woodduck Drake. About as clean as you will find. I bought it from the original owner, who only used it in her home. Mint. (zul) SOLD
Green-winged Teal Drake. About as clean as you will find. I bought it from the original owner, who only used it in her home. Mint. (ztl) SOLD
L L Bean Blue-winged Teal. The rarest of any of the Coastal decoys offered by L L Bean. The reason is simple, very few states offer an early teal season and Blue-wings are gone through before most states regular duck seaon begins. Little demand, so they were only offered a few years, 1986-1993. Yes, those are the only years Bean offered the Blue-winged Teal Coastal decoy. How many have you seen offered? Not many. Here are three. Look closely, as each is different in some way from the others. All are Mint. Serious inquiries accepted by phone. All three have been SOLD
L L Bean Lightweight Decoy. Take a close look at this decoy. Cork tail, inscised bill carving, body measures 17 1/2 inches! It is almost as long as the modern Coastal models. This size was only used on the earliest model of the Lightweight models, 1949-51! I started my collecting of Bean decoys with the Coastal Model, but George Soule also made the Deluxe Oversize Model and the Lightweight Model simultaneously, so I was drawn in by them as well. These examples are important because they are easily dated to the earliest Lightweights made. I have five, I am selling two of them. Exc used condition. Try to find another in like condition. Bet you can’t any time soon. Exc. Extremely Rare! SOLD (edl-ea)
Two canvasbacks made by me recently. I don’t copy anyone, including myself. Each is an effor to make it better than before and more like the actual bird. There are better patern makers, better carvers and better painters than I, but in contests where actual birders are the judges, I have done very well. Hunters seldom go out in the off season to learn what the birds look like on the water. They shoot them in the air and see them dead on the bottom of the boat. I try to give each an attitude that makes it come to life on the waves. I once hunted with a Wildlife Protector and an award winning waterfowl taxidermist. I heard the GP ask the taxidermist what he thought of the decoys while they were off a ways from me. The latter said, “They come to life when we put them on the water”. That phrase of praise has stuck with me. I never let on to them that I heard them. These are to give you an idea what you might get. One is staying with me and the other is going to swim in South Carolina next fall. (One more short aside: I had the one I am keeping out last year. It was the only canvasback decoy I had, but I knew there were some real ones in the area. I blew on my canvasback call a couple times and out of the gray came the real birds and they landed on top of my decoy! Literally within a few feet. Aparently they were convinced.) ORDERS FILLED IN THE ORDER RECEIVED. $245 EACH.
There are more of my decoys toward the bottom of this page. Now, back to some more L L Bean decoys…
Lestin Geese Decoys. (see Trayer, p. 233) Both upright and feeder head positions. Inflatable rubber decoys, patent date of 1955. They look to be unused. They do hold air after all these years!. Feeder head is scarce to rare. Mint with original stakes. The upright head is $75. The pair for $175. I will not sell the feeder alone. (If you don’t have Ken Trayer’s great book on North American Factory Decoys, I have signed copies available at issue price. There is not another book on the market that can compare on this subject! See our book pages or call, 740-698-5060)
Carry-lite Canada Goose Field Decoys (2). Pre-zip code, these date to the 1950s. (Trayer states these stick up field decoys were from the late 1960s, but the company these guys came from and lack of zip code suggest these examples are earlier.) They open from the bottom and have the support/leg system built inside to hold the halves apart and stand up the decoys, making it three dimensional. Bodies alone are 22″ and the necks are 13″ to the pivot point. Necks fold inside body for protection during storage/carry. Both in excellent condition. (pr-ol) SOLD
Dup-A-Goose-R Canada Goose Field Decoy. Also, pre-zip code, 1950s. Trayer, pp126-129, lists the dates for this company as 1945-1960. Information printed on the decoy has “Dup-A-Goose-R” and “Dunster Spoting Goods Co., Seattle Wash. Patents pend.” Body is 23″ long and neck is 9 1/2″ to pivot point. Built in leg and separator intact inside. Necks fold inside body for protection during storage/carry. Light use with some rubbing on mid sides as shown in photo. The far side shows chipping along tip edge of back and along breast, more wear on midd side from rubbing together with other decoys. I would rate far side Very Good and side in the photo as Exc-. $25
Bill Cranmer Hollow Oversized Canvasback Drake. This decoy has so much going for it, it is hard to know where to begin. It is a magnum size, measuring 18″ from bill tip to tail tip and 9 1/2″ wide. It is hollowed from below with what appears to be a very thin fiberglass bottom with the weight somehow worked into the fiberglass. Pretty slick. It is signed, “Cranmer” and dated, 1967. Also written on the bottom is “1 of 9”, “Canvasback Male” and “shot over by Richard Bishop, artist”. Ward style paint job with beautifully executed gesso texturing on the back. That is a lot going on for one decoy! Mint. $950
Wildfowler Brant. Point Pleasant. This one hand signed and dated (1972) by Charlie Birdsall who owned Wildfowler while it was in Point Pleasant. Unused. Beautiful paint. (clx) SOLD
L. L. Bean Goldeneyes. This may be confusing, but I know you will understand my thoughts. I have two pairs of these particular whistlers. I am selling one pair. Somewhere around 1969 Bean offered their Coastal models with hand finished and hand painted heads. These are those. Carved nostirls, hand painting on heads and, on the hens, hand painting where the heads meet the bodies. Even have the nails of bills painted. These are special. Never used, Exc+ Price is for one pair, the other pair stays here. (I now have 5 Bean/Soule goldeneye pairs and each is different. I really would love to have the time to do more research and write a book about the Coastal era decoys.) Note the longer tail inserts, also. Later models had much shorter tails. You might look for years and never see another pair of unsed, hand finished headed Bean whistlers. I watch the auctions and I have never seen a pair like this offered. SOLD (ect)
Green winged Teal. Just finished and ready for whatever befalls them, be it hunting with me or with you or sitting on your shelf. Mint. I have three, two drakes and one hen as of this writing. All are sold, Orders taken, $225 each
Dale Dalrymple Red Breasted Merganser. We don’t see these guys in southeast Ohio. This is the first one I have made since moving here 14 years ago. They are so neat, I plan to make some more. This one sold, but I will gladly make one for you. $225
Dale Dalrymple Mallard Pair. A pair of decoys headed for the water as soon as season opens here. They may look small in a photo, but my decoys are life size and each begins in my mind, then a pattern, then the carving. I try to make each one so when it is on the waves it has a realistic action, not just a piece of floating wood. Each is hand carved and hand painted by me with artist’s oil paints. Each is weighted to give it the right look on the water. Eight of these will out pull a couple dozen plastics. And they can please you in the off season riding a shelf or mantle. Try looking at a plastic decoy all off season. Values continue to rise, rather than diminish over time also. I currently have 5 different head patterns I am using to vary the look of the decoy spread. Photo above shows two of them. Mallards are $250 each (Both of these are sold, but can make you something similar if you place an order.)
Dale Dalrymple Male Ruddy Duck in winter plumage. Just made with a brand new pattern, patterned from a recent conquest. Hollow cedar, hand carved and hand painted with artists oil paints mixed from scratch by maker. Mint. This one sold, orders accepted. $225
The shotshell box is there for scale and color. It is an exc condition, colors still bright, somewhat rare 28ga. Peters High Velocity box. I have more of the early shotshell boxes for sale on this website. From the home page, scroll down until you see the link for shotshell boxes, click it and check out what is available. I keep this website up to date the best I can. Everything is current except the book pages. Call with book interests. (yx) SOLD
Jack Leach. Green Winged Teal Hen. An exquisite decoy from his own gunning rig. Branded “J E L”. Jack was born in New Jersey in 1937. After a military career, he retired to Oregon. There he carved decoys and hunted over them. I “met” him on the phone in the early 1980’s after an article on him appearred in Decoy Magazine. His decoys are hollow and each is unique. This little gem is as good as they get. Very realistic and natural with wonderfully painted patterns made by many interesting brush strokes. He once said to me he doubted if he would ever learn to paint. I think he learned very well! Keel is notched on both ends to wrap line, and has inset lead which is also held with brass screw. Pellet inside was likely put in there by him when made. I feel his decoys are still undervalued. They won’t be for long. (Remember not long ago we could pick up a Ben Schmidt for a few hundred bucks?)Excellent used condition. (ctl) SOLD
All of my decoys are hand carved, hand painted, life sized and made to look like a live bird on the water. Lots of guys make superb decoys that look exactly like decoys. I try to make my decoys look like ducks. I have found that works best on the real birds. All are hollow cedar, hand carved and hand painted with artists oils. I mix colors for each decoy as I paint it. No paint out of the can. No two of my decoys are alike. I use many different patterns for each species I carve. It adds realism to the rig. Each is branded with my name. Hand signed upon request.
Rather than put individual pictures of each decoy on here, I am going to show you a pic of a bunch of them on the shelves ready to go hunting or into your collection. If you have questions about any them I can talk to you about it or send you pictures of those in question. This is a random sample of what I have on hand at present. It will change, sometimes daily, so call 740-698-5060 to get up to the minute availability or to place an order. Update: most of these decoys have sold, but the pic will give you an idea of what some of the species might look like.
Here are my lastest three black ducks, two used once to good avail, one just finished. All three of these have sold, but I will make one, a pair, or more for you. $250 each
Canada Goose. Full sized and ready for the water. This is the second goose decoy I have made since my accident. It was quite a handfull to handle in the wheelchair, but I am glad I stayed with it. I will not be offended if you don’t buy it, because I don’t mind looking at it. Head pattern from a goose harvested last season. Hollow cedar and painted by hand with artist’s oils.
Sold. Will consider orders.
Dale Dalrymple Pintail Drake. Just finished, and ready for the water or shelf–your choice. Hollow cedar, hand carved and hand painted with oil paints. Mint. sold. Orders accepted. $250 each
Dale Dalrymple Wood Ducks. These are SOLD and are being used in South Carolina. I will be happy to fill orders for you. All you have to do is call or email. Price per bird is $250.
Dale Dalrymple Brant. I made this pattern in 1999 and never used it until now. My two daughters worked on it with me, so noted on the pattern. I think it is the best pattern I have had. $250. (This one Sold, orders taken)
Dale Dalrymple Shoveller Pair. I don’t make many shovellers, although they are fun to make. This pattern came from a shoveller I took on a hunting trip with George Strunk many years ago. Brings back good memories. This pair has been sold, orders taken, $250 each.
Dale Dalrymple Harlequin Drake. After more than a quarter century of carving, this is the very first Harlequin decoy I have made! This one SOLD. Orders taken, call or email. Contact info at top and bottom of every page.
Dale Dalrymple Drake Mallard in Swimming position. This one has sold, but I can make you something like it. Carving will be close, paint may vary, as I try new techniques on each one I paint. $250
Dale Dalrymple Bluebill Pair. Hollow cedar, life sized, painted with artist’s oils. Both drake and hen are mint. Sold, orders taken.
Dale Dalrymple Redhead Drake. Hollow cedar. Mint. $225, this one is sold, Orders Taken.
Dale Dalrymple Drake Bufflehead, rigged and all ready for the water. $200. This one has sold, ORDERS TAKEN
Dale Dalrymple Crow Decoy. One of few made. It is hollow and made so it will perch at two different angles to give it two poses so the rig can be vaired. Mint. $155. This one sold, orders accepted.
Dale Dalrymple Blue-winged Teal Pair. Hollow cedar. New head patterns are from a bird I recently harvested. Mint. $425 for the pair or $225 for singles. This pair has sold. Will take orders for similar.
Dale Dalrymple Coot. Well if you are in the know about what a couple coot decoys can do to enhance a spread when certain other duck species are around, then good. If you don’t, ask me. These whimsical little guys were a spur of the moment idea several years ago. Only solid decoys I have made in the last quater century. Colors in left photo are accurate, don’t know what happend in the right one. Shown to show you the different patterns used to give added life to the spread. I made them to bob and weave on the swells so they look busy. Since they are solid I don’t have the usual time in them. $155 each, your choice.
L. L. Bean Goldeneye (Whistler) pair. Exceptional pair of Bean goldeneyes, or whistlers as they are known in Maine. The hen has not been used, the drake has light wear from honest labor. No shotmarks, or any gouges in cork. Again, I show the poorer side if one is worse than another. Both sides of these two are virtually the same. Body size shows these were made any where from 1967 to 1993. Those are honest dates. (How many have you seen offered with dates much older? ). Condition is much more important than age when looking at many collectibles. But you knew that. (If you have been following the auctions, this is what a drake’s head paint is supposed to look like. Beware else where). You may have to look a long, long time before you find another pair this nice. Exc. Price is for the pair. SOLD (edl)
L. L. Bean Drake Wood Duck. Although previous owner has wrttten 1984 on keel, my research shows they were offered first in 1985, in a massive 15 inch body. It was not until 1987 that the body size dropped to 13 inches, as this one is. (How many have you seen listed elsewhere dated to the 50s, 60s or 70s?) Perfect in every way, Mint. SOLD (ulz)
Dale Dalrymple Blue Jay. This is my first blue jay. I made the life size pattern from a dead blue jay found under my bedroom window recently. This one sold, Orders Gladly Accepted. $75
Dale Dalrymple. Dove Decoy. My dove decoys get rave reviews–from the judges that really count–the doves! Various patterns and each is hand painted mixing oils from tubes, so colors vary slightly–just like the doves themselves. $75 each. These are sold, orders taken.
No, I don’t hunt these, but when this guy hit my window I took it as a gift from God, literally. So I made a carving of that delightful little white-breasted nuthatch. Painting these little fellows is challenging. I’m happy with this one. $70. This one SOLD (in 2 days!) I will make one for you. Call or email with orders.
I made these for my nephew who got married this year. I would be happy to make some for you. $70 each
A lovely Red-bellied Woodpecker committed suicide by window recently, so I made a pattern and carved these two likenesses. Both are spoken for, but I would attempt another if you want one. Also shown, and orders accepted for, mourning doves, downy woodpecker and rufous-sided towhee (aka eastern towhee). Price is each $75